8 Simple DIY Table Saw Fence Plans You Can Build In Less 1 Hour

We all know how important a fence is for any table saw, but all fences are just not the same. If you currently find yourself with a low-quality fence or even with no fence at all, then maybe it's time to build one for yourself, and exactly the way you want it.
If you don't want to DIY, you can always get one on Amazon. If you're looking for the best of the best, look no further than the Powermatic PM1000 1791000K Contractor Table Saw.
This Powermatic table saw is for woodworkers that wants to enjoy all the benefits of a cabinet saw but without having to spend a fortune.
Many DIY folks have built their own fences already and some have even been kind enough to put up their plans on the Internet for free.
Below, we have collected some of these impressive plans from across the web and compiled them into a list. By going through this list, we do hope that you'll get inspired to start building your own table saw fence too.
Ready for your next project? Here are some plans that I recommend for you to read such as workbench plan, router table, miter saw stand, lathe stand, router dado jig, woodworking project for beginners, scrap wood project, woodworking plan, homemade log splitter.
1. Biesemeyer T-Square Inspired DIY Table Saw Fence Plans

This fence looks a lot like the Bisenmeyer T-square fence, but it does have its differences. Unlike the Bisenmeyer's lever, it uses a tightening knob, for instance, to lock the fence at any particular place.
The fence bar and its crossbar are both made from aluminum, but the channel that they slide inside is a steel channel. Parts of the fence bar are also made from wood. So this means you'll need both metal and woodworking tools for this project.
Following the tutorial is easy because it is well written. The plans are also easy to understand and you can quickly grasp the idea behind the design.
You'll need to drill holes in wood, aluminum, and steel, as well as drive screws into them. So, be ready with the right tools.
You may also need to reduce or increase your own DIY rip fence dimensions to match that of your saw because the dimensions given in this tutorial are for an 8-inch saw.
2. Mr. Stratako's Table Saw Fence Video Tutorial

Elias Stratakos created this fence and referred to it as the easiest, strongest, steadiest, and fully functional homemade table saw fence you will come across.
This fence comes almost entirely from wood and although there is just a picture gallery on the site, the full tutorial is in video format. It's a very informative and entertaining video, with detailed steps and interesting woodworking methods.
Although mostly made from wood, you'll find that this fence has a very clever design. Especially clever is his lever-locking system with the round handle and round piece of wood.
In addition to woodworking tools like a saw, framing nailer, and a drill, you'll also need a metal drill and cut-off tool, if you plan on following this tutorial precisely.
3. Homemade Table Saw Fence System Tutorial

Made from 100% wood, this fence features a unique and inspiring design. The idea is to have a T-styled fence which runs on wooden rails on the front edge of the table.
There is a large and clear video tutorial if you like videos, although the written tutorial with its lots of pictures is also great.
You'll need a drill, a mallet, a square, lots of clamps, and of course glue and a screwdriver. It's important to note that this wooden fence installs on a wooden table, so if you have a table saw made from metal, then you might want to slightly change your plans.
In the end, you'll find this tutorial quite interesting and fun, although you should consider new ways to always have the hook engaged, instead of using a rubber band.
4. Double-Sided Rip Fence DIY Tutorial

You can either read through this tutorial on the webpage or watch its video version, which is equally full of information and tips.
Given the design of his table saw, the goal was to create a fence which could be used on either side of the saw, providing more flexibility than most other fences.
Another interesting feature in this DIY table saw fence plan is attaching a piece of hardwood over the edge on the back side of the table, to prevent the possible wobbling of the fence.
Required tools include a drill, a nail gun, a pocket hole jig, and a table saw. You might need a little time to come to terms with this fence's locking mechanism, but once you do, you'll appreciate the cleverness behind it.
5. Completely Wooden Table Saw Fence DIY Guide

Here comes another amazing piece of woodwork. This table saw fence comes almost entirely from a single piece of 1/2-inch plywood.
The goal here is to create a wooden fence which moves on a rail with a tape measure, and which includes a wooden lever to lock it in place at any point.
If you decide to build this, then you should get ready for some detailed woodwork. You'll need lots of clamps, a drill, wood glue, and a jigsaw.
A video tutorial showing the assembly is also included here, but you'll have to make some calculations yourself to figure out the correct lengths of certain parts. Else, you'll have to buy the table saw fence plans to get the measurements.
6. Super-Simple DIY Homemade Table Saw Fence Tutorial

This table saw fence is very simple and its tutorial as well. There are just 3 steps in this tutorial and everything is simple and straight to the point.
The first step is making sure that your table is square and perpendicular to the blade. Next step is the cutting of the wood. 2X4s were used here, and the main piece must at least be a 1/2 inch longer than the table.
Step three deals with inserting a screw-in nut and a threaded rod to make a rather simple but very effective locking mechanism for the fence.
As you can see, this fence is easy to build. The included pictures also explain a lot about the building process. If you want a very simple and homemade table saw fence, then this one might be for you.
7. Detailed T-Square Style Metallic Table Saw Fence Tutorial

Here comes a tutorial with a mother-load of information, designed to teach you how to build a T-square style saw fence from metal. This means that you'll be needing metalwork tools for this one, tools for cutting, welding, and sanding.
The tutorial is very detailed and contained in a 20-page PDF file. It has plenty of pictures, a materials list, a step by step construction guide, and detailed CAD drawings.
If you love metal work and you have the tools, then why not try this one? Because it will surely outlast most wooden fences on this list, even when it cost less than $100 in materials.
We have reached the end of this list of inspiring DIY table saw fences that you can make on your own. Whether you choose to build a metallic or a wooden fence here, is up to you. You can also combine ideas from different projects to create your ideal fence.
Feel free to pin any images on this list, as well as to share this list on social media.
We also love to get feedback, so don't hesitate to share your building plans or ideas with us through the comments.
Last Updated on April 19, 2019 by