12 Simple Miter Saw Stand Plans

A miter saw stand is a necessary but also a costly piece of equipment for the wood shop. For most DIY woodworkers, therefore, a self-made miter saw table becomes a natural solution to the problem.
You can decide to join these brave group of woodworkers and build your very own miter saw stand. It will be cheaper for you, offer you a fun exercise to engage in, and make you the proud builder of your own saw stand.
If you want to skip the DIY and just get the best miter saw stand you can, we recommend the DEWALT DW7440RS Rolling Saw Stand. It's surprisingly affordable and might be worth the saved headache.
We compiled the following list to help you with this project. It has 12 free DIY miter saw stand plans. They are mostly adventurous DIY folks, who have gone down this route before you and put their building plans and experiences in writing, and for the benefit of others.
Ready for your next project? Here are some plans that I recommend for you to read such as workbench plan, table saw fence, router table, lathe stand, router dado jig, woodworking project for beginners, scrap wood project, woodworking plan, homemade log splitter.
1. Randy Dean's Barbecue Cart Miter Saw Stand Plan

Randy Dean came up with this fabulous idea of turning an old barbecue cart into a sturdy and mobile table for his miter saw. You too can pull off such a feat if you've got an old barbecue cart lying around.
First, you'll need to measure out your cart and figure out how best to attach your miter saw to it. As you can see from Randy's guide, the process is quite easy.
This guide includes just one diagram, although it provides enough information to get you started. The important part is having enough flat space where you can install your saw. You may also have to add blocks of wood beneath the saw to make the barbecue cart's wings flush with the saw.
2. Free DIY Mobile & Elegant Miter Saw Bench Plans

The Shanty 2 Chic girls posted this project on the Homedepot blog. It's an 11-step tutorial with detailed instructions on how to build an elegant bench for your miter saw.
This tutorial is rather long, but it has lots of information, tips, and pictures to help you along. It begins with a supplies list, followed by the detailed step by step building guide.
2x4's, 2x6's, and plywood or MDF boards were mostly used in building this table. You get cut lists along the way when you need them and there is also a link to a downloadable PDF file with the detailed plans. Must have tools here include a Kreg Jig, nail gun, and a drill.
3. Large & Sturdy Miter Saw Table Tutorial

This one should cost less than $100 to build and take any average woodworker about a day or less to complete. It's almost as large as the previous table, but it's not on wheels.
Coming from the FamilyHandyMan, this tutorial delivers the lessons in 5 steps. They begin with the cutting of the wood, to the assembly of the table, and mounting of the saw. Tools that you require for this project include a framing square, a level, clamps, a circular saw, and a drill.
It includes a tool and a materials list, plus a link to a downloadable file with plans. A video guide is also available for those who love videos.
4. Mobile Miter Saw Station DIY Guide

This guide shows you how to build what you may call a miter saw station with wings. The entire construction can fold down to 24 x 39 inches for storage, and extend up to 93 x 39 inches for use.
An open shelf provides storage for a vacuum cleaner which also connects to the saw. This free tutorial is in 2 parts. The first part focuses on building this shelf and the tabletop, while the second part focuses on building the wings.
You will need a miter saw, router, and a brad nailer for this project. A 72-inch long piano hinge and 1/4-inch wing nuts are some of the supplies that you'll also need. You will find lots of large and bright pictures in this guide, making it easier to understand and to follow.
5. Beginner Friendly Mobile Miter Saw Stand Plans

Here's another mobile and foldable miter saw guide. This stand is simpler than the previous one. There are no fancy designs or cuts here, just a simple and functional DIY miter saw table.
This miter saw cart tutorial begins with a shopping list, a tools list, and then the 5-step tutorial. It is 36 inches high and its wings measure 91 inches across when opened, plus it has a depth of 24 inches.
Unlike the previous design, this is a much simpler and an easier to build project. It will cost about $80 in materials depending on your choice of wood and hardware, and it can easily be done by a beginner.
6. The Ultimate Miter Saw Stand DIY Tutorial

Once you feel confident enough with your woodworking skills, then this is the sort of project you decide to tackle. It is beautiful, elegant, big, and strong. PopularWoodWorking presents you with the ultimate miter Saw stand plan.
There are no step by step instructions here and there is just one picture of the finished table. There is a downloadable PDF file though, with the plans in detail. Its download link is on the second tutorial page.
Be warned though, this is not a project for beginners, you should really know what you are doing, before trying out this one.
7. Professional-Grade Mobile Miter Saw Stand DIY Tutorial

After the ultimate miter saw stand above, here is another ultimate but portable miter saw bench. This one rolls on casters, making it even more versatile, plus you get plenty of storage space, including space for a vacuum.
With this portable miter saw stand plan, you can truly build a bench that you are proud of. The sawing platform is movable, the casters are heavy-duty for long life, and the vacuum is tool activated.
This is not a step by step tutorial for beginners anyway, but it does contain a long material list, detailed tutorials, and plans, plus a few photos.
8. April's Portable Miter Saw Stand with Scrap Box Tutorial

April presents a beginner-friendly DIY tutorial here. Her miter saw workbench is the foldable type with wings, but she also decided to include a scrap box under the bench.
She uses lots of pictures and shows every step of the way. Her bench is 33 inches high from the floor to the deck and 25 inches wide from left to right.
If you like working with a detailed step by step tutorial in which nothing is left to the imagination, then April's 19-step tutorial will definitely make your day.
9. Miter Saw Stand with Fence and Hood DIY Plans

Delivered in 3 parts, this miter saw stand tutorial will be of great help to anyone who's planning on building a miter saw stand that's solid and reliable.
Each of the 3 parts comes in a downloadable PDF file, which has all the important information for that build level. The first level focuses on the base, while the second focuses on the extensions, and the third on the hood.
The first page of each of these PDF plans includes a lumber, hardware, and tools list for that specific part of the project, plus detailed instructions, including precise measurements. You'll require a sander, Kreg Jig, a square, clamps, and a miter saw for this project.
10. Sawhorse Styled Portable Miter Saw DIY Stand Plans

A portable miter saw has many uses, and although this one comes without wheels, you might consider adding them if you like. The base looks like a large sawhorse, but with a flat station for the saw in the middle.
There are 10 steps in this guide, and each one includes a picture and a detailed explanation of what's going on. You basically have to build 2 A-frame legs and rest a beam on them.
A box then rests on this beam in the center, upon which you install the saw. It's a bit of a minimalist design, but you can find a way to add shelves and other stuff if that's what you want.
11. Mobile Miter Saw Stand with Flip-Up Sides DIY Plans

For those who want to learn how to build a miter saw table with all the bells and whistles you can ask for, the WoodArchivist presents this free DIY plans.
It features a workbench with a removable saw platform, folding wings, a cursor and flip stop, drawers, and sturdy casters for mobility.
You get a cutting list and cutting diagram, making things easier. There is also a 22-item hardware list, a 30-step construction guide, and an exploded view of the entire project. This is not a job for beginners though, so you should know what you are doing before you decide to build this homemade miter saw stand.
12. Ayisha's DIY Mobile Miter Saw Stand Tutorial

The last workbench in this miter saw stand plans list comes from Ayisha, the pretty handy girl. It shows in clear and well-explained steps, how to build a lovely miter saw stand, including its metal connectors.
She lists her materials, plus a link to the plans. She also links to a workbench hardware kit which she used, and to which you just have to buy lumber to get started.
Her bench turned out great at 60 inches wide and 30 high. She includes nicely painted cans for accessories, plus she also shows you a better method of installing casters to make your construction more durable.
This list has come to an end, but we are positive that you've picked up one or two ideas to help you build an impressive workbench for your miter saw.
If you like to share, then go ahead, use the comment section to let us know what you are building.
You are also free to share this list on social media and to pin any images that you like.
Last Updated on February 13, 2020 by Tom Bradly