10 Homemade Log Splitter Plans You Can Build Easily

If you love making wood fires, then you need to split your logs, and if you don't feel like swinging the ax, you can either buy a log splitter or build one by yourself.
Lots of DIY folks have built their own homemade log splitters and even proudly presented their log splitter designs on the web for free.
Following is a list of these homemade log splitters. You can copy them to build your own DIY log splitter, or simply use the plans as an inspiration for your own unique design.
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1. Honda GX160 Powered Homemade Log Splitter DIY Guide

While this forum post was more of a question on how to make his second splitter better, the poster also added pictures of the first log splitter that he built, used, and sold.
It runs on a 5.5 Hp Honda GX160 and is a horizontal splitter, mounted on a solid beam and a frame made from angle iron. The frame actually connects to the axle using springs, which makes it great for the roads.
At the end of the beam you get his 12-inch tall wedge, which looks quite sharp and although he posted many pictures of this splitter, he doesn't talk about the pump or the tank, or any other technical detail. You'll need to do a lot of calculation and tinkering by yourself if you want this plan.
2. Unicorn Log Splitter 7-Step DIY Tutorial

The design for this log splitter is a bit unconventional, but it is very effective. The idea is to have a spiraled unicorn-like screw head, which screws itself into your logs of wood and splits them apart thereby.
You'll need to watch the included video to see how clever and effective this DIY wood splitter actually is. It is in fact, safer than most other log splitter designs on this list.
The major job here is to make the spinning unicorn head. There is an included plan to help you with the milling, although it's partly in Russian.
If you can get it done though, then all you need is to connect this head to a generator, just like is pictured in step 3 of this tutorial, and you are good to go.
3. The Wheel of Debt DIY Wood Splitter Guide

Made mostly from scrap and costing only $14 in purchased materials, this wheel of debt is one fearsome monster. It features an ax-head which is welded to a large rotating wheel and splitting everything in its path.
Although it's not as amazing as the previous Russian machine, it delivers cleaner pieces of firewood, giving it a plus in spite of its rather crude design.
You'll need to cut and weld for this project, and you should also seriously consider user's safety. A kickback shield would be great, as well as a way to make sure that the ax-head never flies off that wheel.
This DIY log splitter guide is video only, so there are no plans, sketches, or step by step instructions to follow, but by observing the machine closely, you'll see what you can do.
4. Saab 900 & Beer Keg DIY Log Splitter Tutorial

The axle in this wood splitter, including its tires, comes from a Saab 900. It is designed as a horizontal/vertical wood splitter and originally had a beer keg as a hydraulic reservoir.
The beam features a steel foot plate, for when it's being used in a vertical position, and its cylinder came from a bucket truck.
In addition to simply cutting and welding, you might also want to enlarge the cylinder's ports as this tutorial did for more power.
For a homemade log splitter, the splitting wedge on this one is a little special. You can choose to recreate it though, or simply make do with what you have.
5. Ed's Professional-Quality DIY Vertical Log Splitter

Building your own log splitter doesn't mean it has to look horrible. Many DIY builders make this mistake, but not Ed. His DIY vertical log splitter looks like it came out of a factory.
From the material selection to its layout, controls, colors and extra features, this DIY log splitter shows you the right way to build a log splitter.
The engine is a 12-HP Kohler gas engine and it drives a 2-stage hydraulic pump with a 4-inch diameter and 24-inch length.
For the wedge, Ed turned to tool steel and made a 1-inch thick and razor-sharp splitter. This machine's hydraulic reservoir is an air compressor with a 13-gallon capacity and the best part of it all is the button-controlled loading arm, which makes it a perfect splitter for senior citizens.
6. Custom DIY Firewood Processing Machine

Some people are just very creative and this video is proof of that. This DIY fellow constructed a firewood processor which includes a chainsaw and a splitter.
By controlling the chainsaw with his hands and the splitter with his foot, he works many more times faster than having to do it all manually.
He includes a kill-switch on the control panel and a guard for the chainsaw area, making this machine much safer. If you would like to build this homemade log splitter project, then you'll need lots of time for planning beforehand.
This video shows you much more than how to build a log splitter though, it actually shows you that it's possible to build anything you want. If only you can imagine it.
7. Homemade Foot-Operated Log Splitter DIY Tutorial

Here comes a very simple but reasonable way to split your firewood. The idea is simple and relies on using your foot to pump a bottle jack, which continues to raise your log until it reaches the wedge and splits.
This project requires lots of cutting and welding, plus you'll need to make sure you are using metal pieces that are strong enough.
A frame stands upright with a wedge at the top, and a platform which moves up and down on this frame is then controlled using the jack. You will need to add a suitable foot pedal to this jack.
As this tutorial already shows you the weak points and what you can do about them, it would be advisable to begin building your own splitter with heavy-duty materials from the beginning.
8. Manual Log Splitter DIY Plans

How about a truly low-tech DIY log splitter? This guide right here shows you how to make a wood splitter that is completely manual.
The original page is in Swedish, so you won't get much guidance here. There are also no detailed log splitter plans either, but if you like it, then you can do a little research on this technique, then go ahead and build it.
It requires the force from your hands to drive down the heavy wedge on a lever, which in turn gets pushed back up by the spring. Simple and clever.
9. DIY Vertical Hydraulic Log Splitter Guide

If you've wanted to build a vertical homemade log splitter, but you don't know where to begin, well, here's a guide that might be of help.
There are no homemade log splitter plans here to download and follow in a step by step way though. Rather, you get lots of explanations of what you've got to do, as well as tips for getting the best results.
For example, you'll need a cylinder with a minimum diameter of 4 inches. Another tip is a generator of at least 5 Hp, super strong wedge components, cylinder is best secured at its 2 ends, and don't use steel water pipes for the hydraulic lines.
10. Scandinavian Homemade 30-Ton Monster Wood Splitter Video

In this video, you'll see this huge log splitter working somewhere in Norway. A tractor engine drives its hydraulic pump, and the cylinder itself comes from a container truck.
If you have any interest in building this one, then remember that everything here must be made from heavy-gauge steel, from the beam to the push-head, and the 8-headed splitter. No exceptions.
There are no plans and no tutorial, but the video shows you all the necessary parts.
Read more here
We have reached the end of this list of homemade log splitters. As you can see, there are no pre-made log splitter kits here, rather, there are tutorials and ideas to help you get building.
You are free to pin any image you like and to share this list on your social media. Feel free to leave a comment as well and let us know what you plan to build. We'll be happy to hear from you!
Also, consider sharing your homemade log splitter plans after you are done building it. Who knows? it might make someone's day, someday.
Last Updated on February 12, 2020 by