How to Cut a Square Hole in Wood: Complete Woodworking Guide
I started woodworking around two decades ago, and one of the first things I learned was how to cut a square hole in wood.
When you're woodworking, you probably won’t make a project out of a single block of wood, and attaching one block of wood to another can be quite sturdy if done right, but might mess up your entire construction if you don’t.
In this article, I’ll explain step-by-step how to cut a square hole in wood!
Safety First
Whether you're an experienced woodworker or are just starting on your journey, you need to put safety first. Some safety measures you need to take are mentioned below.
These safety tips will keep you safe and act as a key step toward your finished product.

Get the Right Tools
Before I dive into how to cut a square hole in wood, you need to get the right tools for the job. This process requires clean lines, proper cuts, and a smooth finish.
Here’s a list of what you’ll need:
- A pencil
- Framing square
- Measuring tape
- Straightedge
- Sandpaper
- Drill and Saw, or Chisel and Hammer, or Wood Router
Now that you're geared up, safe, and have procured everything you need, let's jump into the steps you need to take. I’ve broken the steps down into different categories to make this process easier for you.
As expected, you will not be cutting into the wood directly without having an idea of where you're supposed to make your cuts.
Step 1: Visualize where you want the hole in the wood to be.
Step 2: Start with the center of where you want the square to be.
Step 3: Once you have the center of the square fixed, use your framing square to draw the edges and square corners.
Step 4: Make sure your dimensions are accurate right down to the millimeter, no matter how big or small your hole is. This will make fittings easier. Check for consistency in the angles, sides, and diagonals of the square.
Step 5: Using your pencil, mark a thick but accurate outline for the square. This will make the next steps easier.
Now that you have your square marked on the wood sheet, you can cut it out in different ways. You can use a chisel, a drill bit, or a saw to get your results. Your choice will depend upon the kind of equipment you have and your comfort with each.
In the following sections, I’ll talk about multiple ways in which you can go about this process.
Drilling and Sawing
If you have a relatively thick sheet of wood, options like using a chisel might not work properly. In this case, I recommend that you use a drilling and sawing method. Step-by-step instructions are mentioned below.
Step 1: Start the process by assembling your drill properly. Make sure it has a power supply and an appropriate drill bit installed.
Step 2: Drill clean holes on all four corners of the square that you drew in the earlier steps. If the outlines of your square are thick, make sure that you try to place the drill bit on the inner side of the square. This portion of the wood is going to be discarded, and drilling the hole on the outer side might lead to rough edges in the final product.
Step 3: After you have the four holes on four corners and the marked lines for a reference, use your saw to cut along the lines on the sheet.
If you're looking for a reliable saw, this guide on the best beginner table saws of 2021 may help you find the right choice for your needs.
Using a Chisel
There are advantages and disadvantages to using a chisel for cutting your wood square. The advantages include not having to use power tools and having more control and vision over what you're doing.
The disadvantages include not being able to get cleaner cuts for thick wood sheets and more manual effort.
However, if you have a thin sheet of wood, a chisel might be a good option for you. Check out the steps on how to get the right results below.
Step 1: Make sure your chisel is sharp. This will not only help you make cleaner cuts but will also reduce risk of accidents and injury.
Step 2: Keep the tip of the sharp chisel on one of the four corners of the square drawn on your piece of wood.
Step 3: Use a hammer to tap on the chisel until it goes straight through the piece of wood. Even if the wood you're using is thin, do not try to force the chisel down directly. This might not only result in injury, but might also cause the edges to become slanted, which in turn will not give you a perfect square.
Step 4: Repeat this step on all four corners. Depending upon the width of your chisel, half your work should already be done by this point.
Step 5: Once you're done with the corners, pushing through the edges should be easy.
Using a Wood Router
If you have access to a router and the piece of wood you're working on is very thick, this would be a great option for your wood cutting needs. Routers are great for making clean, precise cuts, and offer an element of stability to your woodworking projects.
However, this might not be the best choice for beginners. You need to be able to use a router properly, or you might end up wasting some wood.
If you're new to using a router, try out the process on a spare, solid piece of plywood before starting on your final project. This will leave room for mistakes and you can improve upon your skills in the final process.
Step 1: The first thing you need to do is create a template according to the square dimensions using a template guide. Your router bits should fit properly with this arrangement.
Step 2: Because you already know the square dimensions, create a layout accordingly. Leave a space a third of an inch, or 0.35 inches, on each side of the template.
Step 3: Drill a small pilot hole in one corner of the square. A pilot hole is a small hole drilled into a piece of wood to guide a larger drill or allow for the insertion of another tool.
Step 4: Using this as the beginning of your router bit, align the fence with the outline of the square.
Step 5: At this point, start the router. It will start cutting along the edge of the square. Pause it when it reaches the other end.
Step 6: Rotate the square by 90 degrees so that the router is now aligned with another edge. Start the router again and pause it when it reaches the other end.
Step 7: Repeat the previous step of this guide two more times along the remaining square lines to get a proper square cut on your wood.
Cleaning Up
When it comes down to how to cut a square hole in wood, just cutting out a hole isn’t enough. You have to make sure that it’s properly cleaned up and can fit the joint that goes into it, or is just smooth in general.
There are multiple ways in which you can do this. If your cuts are already clean and straight, just some filing on the edges can get the job done.
If some lines are jagged, you might have to use an oscillating tool to get the job done.
The final step is to sand the entire square. While carrying out these steps, make sure that you don’t remove too much wood as it might mess up the dimensions of the square.
Final Thoughts
While woodworking is a great way to make your visions a reality, it’s certainly not easy if you don’t know what you're doing. It’s important to learn the basics, like how to cut a square hole in wood, before moving on to more complicated projects.
After reading this article, you should have a working knowledge of how to keep yourself safe, what you need to cut a proper square hole in your wood sheet, and the different methods that you can use to do it.
If you're interested in similar topics about woodworking, feel free to check out our other articles, as well!
Last Updated on June 30, 2021 by Tom Bradly